I did a research about the inventions of the late XIX and XX centuries, what found me more important were the following:
1.- Machine type
2.- Sewing machine
3.- Machine photo
4.- Airplane
5.- Submarine
6.- Bicycle
7.- Electric lamp
8.- Auto
9.- Phone
10.- Movies
Then describe each of them and give you a brief explanation of why I do importante to our life.
This blog is about some important inventions that were made during the XIX and XX centuries. That reflect and let's see how it has changed our lives to these inventions and that way has given it us.
3 oct 2010
It's a machine that prints letters, numbers and other signs when their keys are pressed.
The typewriter was patented as mechanic help for the blind. It`s was recorded in the United States in 1829 by Guillermo A. Burt and was called typography but no model survived.
The first practic typewriter and that could make in large scale was created by three american inventors: Cristobal I. Sholes, Samuel W. Soule and Carlos Glidden.
I think this invention is very important because it was a great ancestor of the computer and in spite of technology we have today and we still use in different areas.
The typewriter was patented as mechanic help for the blind. It`s was recorded in the United States in 1829 by Guillermo A. Burt and was called typography but no model survived.
The first practic typewriter and that could make in large scale was created by three american inventors: Cristobal I. Sholes, Samuel W. Soule and Carlos Glidden.
I think this invention is very important because it was a great ancestor of the computer and in spite of technology we have today and we still use in different areas.
Sewing machine
This machine has revolutionized manual labor in factories and homes, as the seam is a more ancient domestic arts.
The first sewing machine was invented by Englishman Thomas Saint. In 1790 he patented a machine that had manu characteristics of modern sewing chain. This machin was mainly designed to work with leather.
There are a variety of sewing machines, among wichi include special machines for sewing leather, felt hats, buttons, etc. Some machines have more needles and can do a number of parallel seams simultaneously.
Definitely this was a great invention, and that gave us the whole society benefits. Mainly now sewing is easier and takes less time. Thanks to technology, this has been modernized and isn`t necessary to have a big space for it.
The first sewing machine was invented by Englishman Thomas Saint. In 1790 he patented a machine that had manu characteristics of modern sewing chain. This machin was mainly designed to work with leather.
There are a variety of sewing machines, among wichi include special machines for sewing leather, felt hats, buttons, etc. Some machines have more needles and can do a number of parallel seams simultaneously.
Definitely this was a great invention, and that gave us the whole society benefits. Mainly now sewing is easier and takes less time. Thanks to technology, this has been modernized and isn`t necessary to have a big space for it.
Photo machine
The first detailed description of a photo machine century XI. In the XVI the Italian descriptions by Juan Porta and Daniel Barbaro raised great interest in this device, which came into use in various forms purely recreational purposes.
The importance of the photo machine comes with it's application to photpgraphy in the XVIII century. The discovery of a method for light rays forming the image on a surface and left a trail was the initiation of photography as a science. The apparatus used for the fixation of the image taken, of curse, the name of its precedessor.
No doubt that the camera is an essential part in our daily lives allowing us to keep pictures of those beautiful moments or places we visited. Thanks to technology that has made ir easier to transport than can fit in our pocket.
The importance of the photo machine comes with it's application to photpgraphy in the XVIII century. The discovery of a method for light rays forming the image on a surface and left a trail was the initiation of photography as a science. The apparatus used for the fixation of the image taken, of curse, the name of its precedessor.
No doubt that the camera is an essential part in our daily lives allowing us to keep pictures of those beautiful moments or places we visited. Thanks to technology that has made ir easier to transport than can fit in our pocket.
Aerial vehicle heavier than air that is used to transport people or cargo. Action moves motoresde propellers or jet, and is supported by the effect of air resistance to certain hard surfaces.
The hombretrató since ancient times to imitate the flight of birds. He thought at first that it was enough to provide themselves with wings and devised machines that were called ornithopters.
None of them gave the desired result, and it was not until the mid eighteenth century who began to build machines capable of moving more air than the equivalent weight, achieving lift off the ground.
But the usefulness of these devices (balloons and airships) is limited. The history of aviation today is that of the aircraft heavier than air.
Fundamentally, the most modern equipment of this type are built based on the same elements that allowed the Wright brothers and Alberto Santos Dumont practical to make the first flight in early twentieth century: wings that support the weight of the aircraft and its cargo, and tail surfaces which serve to give balance and direction. Using appropriate controls are made to vary the position of some surfaces so that the device up, down or turn in one direction or another.
Without doubt the best invention of the century, and that every day has been changing and so has brought us amazing benefits. It is a quick and easy way to get to our destination.
The hombretrató since ancient times to imitate the flight of birds. He thought at first that it was enough to provide themselves with wings and devised machines that were called ornithopters.
None of them gave the desired result, and it was not until the mid eighteenth century who began to build machines capable of moving more air than the equivalent weight, achieving lift off the ground.
But the usefulness of these devices (balloons and airships) is limited. The history of aviation today is that of the aircraft heavier than air.
Fundamentally, the most modern equipment of this type are built based on the same elements that allowed the Wright brothers and Alberto Santos Dumont practical to make the first flight in early twentieth century: wings that support the weight of the aircraft and its cargo, and tail surfaces which serve to give balance and direction. Using appropriate controls are made to vary the position of some surfaces so that the device up, down or turn in one direction or another.
Without doubt the best invention of the century, and that every day has been changing and so has brought us amazing benefits. It is a quick and easy way to get to our destination.
Ship built to sail under the water surface, although they also can do at the surface, the use of these vessels is reserved universally navies, they are essentially attacking unit. During the two guerrasmundiales occurred during the first half of the twentieth century submarines of the belligerent countries were actively involved in operations to disrupt maritime traffic. Many merchant ships were sunk, victims of torpedoes fired by submarines and even came to check sinking of large battleships.
The submarine has proved useful to carry out such operations varied. Thus, for example, has played a fleet vanguardiade services, minefields planted in strategic places in the seas, landed sabotage patrols, rescued downed airmen at sea and even made explorations under thick layers of ice in the polar regions.
In the early eighteenth century in England revived interest in submarines and for 1727 had already been patented at least 14, of different types. In an article published in 1747 in revistaGentleman's Magazine, an inventor anonymous suggested the use as ballast water contained in boots made pielde goat filling them with water, submerged underwater, and rose to the surface when it expelled the liquid by a valve at the bottom of the vessel. This idea is basically the same applies today in the construction of submarines that carry ballast tanks.
The difficulties to solve the many problems of hydraulics and mechanics, together with the rooted general conviction that the submarine would never be a practical means of navigation, were due to slow its adoption by the navy for at least another 100.
The submarine has proved useful to carry out such operations varied. Thus, for example, has played a fleet vanguardiade services, minefields planted in strategic places in the seas, landed sabotage patrols, rescued downed airmen at sea and even made explorations under thick layers of ice in the polar regions.
In the early eighteenth century in England revived interest in submarines and for 1727 had already been patented at least 14, of different types. In an article published in 1747 in revistaGentleman's Magazine, an inventor anonymous suggested the use as ballast water contained in boots made pielde goat filling them with water, submerged underwater, and rose to the surface when it expelled the liquid by a valve at the bottom of the vessel. This idea is basically the same applies today in the construction of submarines that carry ballast tanks.
The difficulties to solve the many problems of hydraulics and mechanics, together with the rooted general conviction that the submarine would never be a practical means of navigation, were due to slow its adoption by the navy for at least another 100.
Electric Lamp
When primitive man began to make use of the fire was soon burning discover that some substances than others. A pine knot, for example, was burned well and bright light. When placed chops noted that the fat droplets sparkled brightly in the flames.
Probably this observation came the idea of making a lamp. Stones found in a similar way to dishes, filled them with melted animal fat and devised a wick or wick made of moss or similar materials.
The wick was soaked in melted fat and burned with a weak flame and smoking.
The Eskimos still burning, for light, seal blubber in flat containers of stone.
The earliest lamps were to shallow dish in aceiteo burning fat. Inside the houses did not need protection from wind and rain the flame of the lamps. But when he drew the outside it was necessary to place them in containers that guarded the flame from drafts. These protective containers should have holes or windows that let light through so that the lamp continue to fulfill its purpose of lighting. Thus was born the lamp: it was a flashlight likely be removed or outdoors without being extinguished.
The fat and oil lamps were improved slowly, as they discovered better fuels. It is refined animal fat, were hunted whales for lamp oil, was used vegetable oils, like olive oil and, finally, were used in the mid-nineteenth century, oil and some of their products. Which is more widespread of these was the kerosene.
Among all available media that the man of the past he used for light perhaps none was more important than sailing. They made candles from animal fat that was put around a wick. Tallow was a fat favorites. Then he warned that burning beeswax better, but had the disadvantage of being scarce and expensive. Later he turned to the paraffin, a petroleum product. The candle was also used as light source in the headlights.
Probably this observation came the idea of making a lamp. Stones found in a similar way to dishes, filled them with melted animal fat and devised a wick or wick made of moss or similar materials.
The wick was soaked in melted fat and burned with a weak flame and smoking.
The Eskimos still burning, for light, seal blubber in flat containers of stone.
The earliest lamps were to shallow dish in aceiteo burning fat. Inside the houses did not need protection from wind and rain the flame of the lamps. But when he drew the outside it was necessary to place them in containers that guarded the flame from drafts. These protective containers should have holes or windows that let light through so that the lamp continue to fulfill its purpose of lighting. Thus was born the lamp: it was a flashlight likely be removed or outdoors without being extinguished.
The fat and oil lamps were improved slowly, as they discovered better fuels. It is refined animal fat, were hunted whales for lamp oil, was used vegetable oils, like olive oil and, finally, were used in the mid-nineteenth century, oil and some of their products. Which is more widespread of these was the kerosene.
Among all available media that the man of the past he used for light perhaps none was more important than sailing. They made candles from animal fat that was put around a wick. Tallow was a fat favorites. Then he warned that burning beeswax better, but had the disadvantage of being scarce and expensive. Later he turned to the paraffin, a petroleum product. The candle was also used as light source in the headlights.
Cugnot Nicolas-Joseph (1725-1804), meganiese, militêre ingenieur, Franse skrywer en uitvinder, die groot stap, 'n stoom voertuig, wat oorspronklik ontwerp vir die sleep van artillerie te bou. Die Fardi, soos hy dit genoem Cugnot, begin sirkuleer op die strate van Parys in 1769. Dit was 'n driewiel voorwiel gemonteer op' n ketel en 'n twee-silinder vertikale en 50 liter verplasing, die voorwiel trekker en riglyn was die twee silinders wat direk op dit te draai. In 1770 bou hy 'n tweede model, groter is as die eerste, en dit kan asem 4,5 ton teen' n spoed van 4 km / h. Met hierdie weergawe is vervaardig wat beskou kan word "eerste motor ongeluk 'van die geskiedenis, onmoontlik, die behoorlike hantering van monumentale voertuig, wat geëindig het aan botsing met' n muur wat ineengestort as gevolg van die ongeluk. Cugnot nog tyd gehad om 'n derde weergawe te bou in 1771, wat nog steeds blootgestel vandag in die Nasionale Tegniese Museum in Parys.
In 1784 William Murdoch het 'n model stoom vervoer en in 1801 Richard Trevithick gery het' n voertuig in Camborne (Verenigde Koninkryk). Die eerste voertuie was ontwikkel sodanige innovasies as hand remme, en wiel spoed.
In 1815 Josef Bozek, gebou 'n enjin-aangedrewe motor met olie. Walter Hancock, in 1838, Robert Davidson gebou 'n elektriese lokomotief wat bereik 6 km per uur. Tussen 1832 en 1839 Robert Anderson uitgevind die eerste motor aangedryf deur nie-herlaaibare elektriese selle.
Belgiese Etienne Lenoir motor was wat deur 'n binnebrandenjin wat deur 1860, aangedryf deur steenkool gas.
In 1870, in Wene, was die uitvinder Siegfried Marcus bedryf binnebrandenjin brandstof basis, bekend as die "Eerste Marcus Car". In 1883, Marcus gepatenteerde 'n lae-spanning ontsteking is in die daaropvolgende modelle.
Dit word algemeen aanvaar dat die eerste motors met petrol was byna gelyktydig ontwikkel deur die Duitse ingenieurs werk onafhanklik: Karl Benz het sy eerste model in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz gepatenteer is dit op 29 Januarie 1886 en begin produksie in 1888. Kort daarna, Gottlieb Daimler en Wilhelm Maybach in Stuttgart, wat ontwerp hul eie motor in 1889.
In 1784 William Murdoch het 'n model stoom vervoer en in 1801 Richard Trevithick gery het' n voertuig in Camborne (Verenigde Koninkryk). Die eerste voertuie was ontwikkel sodanige innovasies as hand remme, en wiel spoed.
In 1815 Josef Bozek, gebou 'n enjin-aangedrewe motor met olie. Walter Hancock, in 1838, Robert Davidson gebou 'n elektriese lokomotief wat bereik 6 km per uur. Tussen 1832 en 1839 Robert Anderson uitgevind die eerste motor aangedryf deur nie-herlaaibare elektriese selle.
Belgiese Etienne Lenoir motor was wat deur 'n binnebrandenjin wat deur 1860, aangedryf deur steenkool gas.
In 1870, in Wene, was die uitvinder Siegfried Marcus bedryf binnebrandenjin brandstof basis, bekend as die "Eerste Marcus Car". In 1883, Marcus gepatenteerde 'n lae-spanning ontsteking is in die daaropvolgende modelle.
Dit word algemeen aanvaar dat die eerste motors met petrol was byna gelyktydig ontwikkel deur die Duitse ingenieurs werk onafhanklik: Karl Benz het sy eerste model in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz gepatenteer is dit op 29 Januarie 1886 en begin produksie in 1888. Kort daarna, Gottlieb Daimler en Wilhelm Maybach in Stuttgart, wat ontwerp hul eie motor in 1889.
1854 - Bourseul (Charles) raised in a pictorial of the time the possibility of using vibrations caused by the voice on a floppy disk or diaphragm, in order to activate and deactivate an electrical circuit and produce similar vibrations in a diaphragm located in a remote location, which would reproduce the original vibration.
1855 - Meucci (Antonio) built a phone to connect your office to your bedroom on the second floor, due to his wife's rheumatism.
1860 - Meucci brings out his invention. In a public demonstration of a singer's voice is reproduced at a considerable distance.
1861 - Meucci has an accident, Westfield steam explosion, which comes with severe burns, requiring his wife to sell the work of Antonio to a lender for $ 6 (in NYC). If, after replacement, return to recover the pawn shop selling them says a young man who was never identified.
1861 / 1870 Meucci working hard in rebuilding their greatest invention.
1869 - Gray (Elisha) is associated with Barton (Enos) and is a company that provides Western Union Telegraph Company (WUTC).
1871 / 1873 - Meucci unable to muster the $ 250 it costs the final patent, has to settle for a preliminary pending submission of documentation that records the December 28, 1871 and can afford renewed only in 1872 and 1873.
1873 - Meucci offers a demonstration of the telegraph talking to a businessman named Edward B. Grant, vice president of a subsidiary of Western Union Telegraph Company. Whenever Meucci sought to advance, he said there was room for his show.
1874 - Gray made the first public demonstration of his invention, the telephone, and it worked perfectly (a couple of years after Meucci presents his invention in WUTC, where his former friend and partner Barton).
1875 - Meucci asked them to return your material, to which he replied that it had lost (the same laboratory where WUTC Bell conducted his experiments).
1876 - Gray on February 14, 1876 the application for his invention but only two hours before such an Alexander Graham Bell had filed the patent application for his invention.
Bell's patent was still questionable because there were rumors that Bell had a confidant in the patent office which warned him in advance that happened due to the particular case were to compare the two patents to discard the worst and most expensive of the two. It is said that Bell had access to Gray's patent compare with their own and after that he added a marginal note written by hand in proposing an alternative design to yours that was identical to that of Gray.
Bell (Alexander Graham) in 1876 registered a patent then you do not really describe the telephone but refers to it as such. (Later surfaced that an agreement whereby Bell would pay the WUTC by 20% of the profits from the commercialization of his invention for 17 consecutive years).
1855 - Meucci (Antonio) built a phone to connect your office to your bedroom on the second floor, due to his wife's rheumatism.
1860 - Meucci brings out his invention. In a public demonstration of a singer's voice is reproduced at a considerable distance.
1861 - Meucci has an accident, Westfield steam explosion, which comes with severe burns, requiring his wife to sell the work of Antonio to a lender for $ 6 (in NYC). If, after replacement, return to recover the pawn shop selling them says a young man who was never identified.
1861 / 1870 Meucci working hard in rebuilding their greatest invention.
1869 - Gray (Elisha) is associated with Barton (Enos) and is a company that provides Western Union Telegraph Company (WUTC).
1871 / 1873 - Meucci unable to muster the $ 250 it costs the final patent, has to settle for a preliminary pending submission of documentation that records the December 28, 1871 and can afford renewed only in 1872 and 1873.
1873 - Meucci offers a demonstration of the telegraph talking to a businessman named Edward B. Grant, vice president of a subsidiary of Western Union Telegraph Company. Whenever Meucci sought to advance, he said there was room for his show.
1874 - Gray made the first public demonstration of his invention, the telephone, and it worked perfectly (a couple of years after Meucci presents his invention in WUTC, where his former friend and partner Barton).
1875 - Meucci asked them to return your material, to which he replied that it had lost (the same laboratory where WUTC Bell conducted his experiments).
1876 - Gray on February 14, 1876 the application for his invention but only two hours before such an Alexander Graham Bell had filed the patent application for his invention.
Bell's patent was still questionable because there were rumors that Bell had a confidant in the patent office which warned him in advance that happened due to the particular case were to compare the two patents to discard the worst and most expensive of the two. It is said that Bell had access to Gray's patent compare with their own and after that he added a marginal note written by hand in proposing an alternative design to yours that was identical to that of Gray.
Bell (Alexander Graham) in 1876 registered a patent then you do not really describe the telephone but refers to it as such. (Later surfaced that an agreement whereby Bell would pay the WUTC by 20% of the profits from the commercialization of his invention for 17 consecutive years).
The history of cinema begins on December 28, 1895, when the Lumière brothers publicly projected output of a French factory workers in Lyon, the demolition of a wall, the arrival of a train and a ship leaving port .
The success of this invention was immediate, not only in France but throughout Europe and North America. In one year the Lumière brothers created more than 500 films, marked by the absence of actors and the natural scenery, brevity, lack of assembly and the fixed position of the camera. But eventually viewers bored by the monotony of the shots. And it was George Méliès who deepened by the fact the first time in fictional storytelling and who began to develop new cinematic techniques, especially in 1902 with "Journey to the Moon" and in 1904 with "Journey through the impossible" theatrical technique applied to the camera and creating the first special effects and filmed science fiction. Since then the film did nothing but improve and raised great directors like Ernst Lubitsch, Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, and Charles Chaplin kept evolving technology until 1927, he premiered the first sound film The Jazz Singer , from which the film as I knew ceased to exist and imposed more complex scripts that were moving away from the stereotypical characters of the silent era had created.
It was in that same year 1927 when the Paramount Pictures creates cinematic technique known as dubbing.
Over the years the technique allowed the incorporation of color, coming in 1935 with "Vanity Fair" by Rouben Mamoulian, but got their fullest artistically in 1939 with "Gone with the Wind." The color was slower to be adopted by the film. The public was relatively indifferent to color photography in black and white counter. But to improve color registration processes and lower costs compared to black and white, more movies were filmed in color.
Securing your place in line to classic cinema as its proximity to postmodernism.
The success of this invention was immediate, not only in France but throughout Europe and North America. In one year the Lumière brothers created more than 500 films, marked by the absence of actors and the natural scenery, brevity, lack of assembly and the fixed position of the camera. But eventually viewers bored by the monotony of the shots. And it was George Méliès who deepened by the fact the first time in fictional storytelling and who began to develop new cinematic techniques, especially in 1902 with "Journey to the Moon" and in 1904 with "Journey through the impossible" theatrical technique applied to the camera and creating the first special effects and filmed science fiction. Since then the film did nothing but improve and raised great directors like Ernst Lubitsch, Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, and Charles Chaplin kept evolving technology until 1927, he premiered the first sound film The Jazz Singer , from which the film as I knew ceased to exist and imposed more complex scripts that were moving away from the stereotypical characters of the silent era had created.
It was in that same year 1927 when the Paramount Pictures creates cinematic technique known as dubbing.
Over the years the technique allowed the incorporation of color, coming in 1935 with "Vanity Fair" by Rouben Mamoulian, but got their fullest artistically in 1939 with "Gone with the Wind." The color was slower to be adopted by the film. The public was relatively indifferent to color photography in black and white counter. But to improve color registration processes and lower costs compared to black and white, more movies were filmed in color.
Securing your place in line to classic cinema as its proximity to postmodernism.
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